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Adult ADHD


Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a mental or neurobehavioural disorder characterised by significant difficulties of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness or a combination.

ADHD is a pattern of problems, which is usually picked up in childhood. Around 3 to 5 in every 100 school aged children have ADHD. More than two out of every three of those diagnosed with ADHD as children continue to have these problems as teenagers. 2 out of 3 of these will still have problems as adults. It is significantly under-diagnosed in the UK. The way ADHD presents in adults can be more subtle than in children and this is why a careful and thorough clinical assessment by a specialised and highly skilled clinician is needed to ascertain the diagnosis. It is crucial to see a clinician who is skilled in diagnosing Adult ADHD and at the same time is experienced in diagnosing patients who suffer with other mental health disorders that can be mistaken for ADHD. It is well known that treatment of these disorders is quite different and successful outcomes depend on accurate diagnosis. ADHD sufferers are often very intelligent, creative and intuitive people who regularly exhibit symptoms including:
  • Sense of underachievement, organisational difficulties, procrastination, and many projects underway simultaneously which are seldom completed
  • Interpersonal problems, a tendency to blurt things out without thinking and problems in relationships
  • Search for high stimulation and low threshold tolerance
  • A tendency to worry, a sense of insecurity and mood swings
  • Anxiety, depression and substance misuse


Our treatment approach to ADHD


Our approach to private adult ADHD assessment and treatment combines an individualised program with treatment based on current clinical evidence. Private assessment are carried out at Malone Medical Chambers, Belfast. Dr Tareen has an extensive experience in diagnosing and treating Adult ADHD. He has presented his audit of Adult ADHD services in local and International conferences. Private adult ADHD assessment is via a well researched protocol using self and informant information scales and DIVA semi structured interview with you and where possible, a family member. Old school reports may also be analysed. Initial ADHD assessment takes approximately two hours followed by a further analysis and additional investigations, if required.

The assessment will be followed by a consultation to clarify diagnosis of ADHD discussion about private treatment options. The treatment of adult ADHD consists of medication, cognitive behavioural therapy and psychoeducation.

Once diagnosis is established, trial of treatment is recommended. Any ADHD medication is tailored to your exact requirements. Medications are prescribed in discussion with your General Practitioner on shared care guideline basis.

To make an appointment confidentially please ring Malone Medical Chambers, Belfast on phone number 028 90667676



In exceptional circumstances when collateral information about childhood is not available we may do QB check. QbCheck is one of a number of neuropsychological tests known as continuous performance tests (CPTs). It was developed by a Swedish company, and has just been granted approval by the US Food and Drug Administration. In the test, you respond to things happening on a screen by clicking on the mouse. Sustaining attention on a task means you can maintain focus; poor focus corresponds to impulsivity. Selective attention is where you can ignore competing stimuli, and poor scores can mean you are easily distractible.

The test also records head movements using a webcam – more head movements than normal may indicate hyperactivity. It generates data, which is then compared with age- and gender-adjusted norms and presented in a report.

In exceptional circumstances we may need to involve cardiologists to get advice about appropriateness of use of stimulant medication.

We also offer Psychoeducation programme and work closely with no of ADHD specialist counselors and CBT therapists.