Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterised by obsessional thoughts that repeatedly enter consciousness against the person’s will. The thoughts and ruminations are unpleasant, abhorrent or out of keeping with the patient’s character. Insight is preserved and the person feels compelled to resist or neutralise the unwelcome thoughts, at least initially.
So if you get awful thoughts coming into your mind, even when you try to keep them out or you have to touch or count things or repeat the same action like washing over and over you could have OCD and it is time to seek treatment.
Our treatment approach for OCD
Our approach to treating OCD combines individualised treatment programmes with treatment based on current clinical evidence. There are two treatments available for OCD: talking therapies and medication.Medication can be effective in improving severe OCD.
To make an appointment confidentially please ring Malone Medical Chambers, Belfast on phone number 028 90667676