For more information call + 44 (0)28 9066 7676



Everyone feels unhappy from time to time. But with depression, that feeling is deeper, lasts longer and is more unpleasant than just being down for a while. The severity of depression can vary from mild depression to the clinical depression also known as major depression or severe depression.

Some of the common symptoms and signs of depression are

  • Constant low mood that persists over two weeks
  • Losing interest in life with the constant feelings of gloom and the bleak, dismal outlook
  • Losing interest in thing you used to enjoy
  • Loss of self-confidence
  • Self -blaming
  • Increasing anxiety
  • Finding it harder to make decision
  • Not being able to cope with the task that used to be manageable
  • Feeling exhausted and lacking motivation
  • Feeling restless and agitated
  • Last of appetite and weight
  • Losing sleep or oversleeping
  • An increased urge to isolate from others even friends and families

Sometimes there is an obvious reason for it such as relationship breakdown or bereavement but Depression can also occur after happy event like having a new baby. At times there seems to be no clearly identifiable reason for depression. Whatever the underlying cause when depression sets in it’s time to seek treatment.

Our treatment approach for Depression


We offer comprehensive assessment and choice of medication and talking therapies. Treatment is usually as an outpatient, however in some situations admission may be requested. Our overriding aim is to use our expertise in the most effective way, ensuring the support and treatment offered in a personalised and flexible way to achieve a speedy recovery.

To make an appointment confidentially please ring Malone Medical Chambers, Belfast on phone number 028 90667676



We have established links with Myogenes and offer genetic tests to help choose most suitable pharmacological treatment.

Myogenes is an advanced molecular diagnostic company centred on personalised health and genetic testing. The company is UK based and situated in London. Their mission is to bring and develop the field of Personalised Medicine in the United Kingdom, focusing on personalised genetic testing. We work jointly with medical doctors, genetic experts and with genetic laboratories located worldwide. They provide full and personal support to our patients and doctors through our professional experts. There is no more ‘one size fits all’. This is personalised medicine, where your body determines what works.